vendredi, novembre 03, 2006

New job

Dear Reader,
The temp agency phoned me on Tuesday asking if I was interested in working, and I of course said yes. I went in and saw them and started on Thursday morning. I am now assembling agricultural machinery. When I as a boy I was never good with my hands. In wood work, and metal work I was made to understand that I was useless. It wasn't that the teachers were direct about it but they gave me an aversion to everything manual...

Games like meccano didn't interest me. Strange really, because now I play at Meccano for big boys 8 hours a day. Strange how life turns out. When I was at school everything seemed so so planned. I was going to study languages at university. I was going to find a job in Austria in business or in law. I hated France and thought why would somebody want to work in a factory?

Well, no I'm beginning to understand why people might enjoy working in a factory on the shop floor. To be or not to be a factory worker, having suffered the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune, I meant office work. The satisfaction of actually building something is great! You see the individual parts coming together when at first all you can see is a mass of metal sheets, nuts, and bolts. And it is really like playing with meccano for big boys.

When I was a secretary I spent all day producing paper with bits of writing on them and then having to tidy them away in various folders with different colour for different types of paper. I also got shouted at by clients because the things on the pieces of paper hadn't arrived or could they change something, then having to phone the factory to find out if I could change my original piece of paper and then print out another piece of paper to replace the first piece of paper. Then of course I had to type some more information on another piece of paper to show that I had changed the first piece of paper. This piece of paper of course had to tidied away with all the other bits of paper. Sometimes I have this funny feeling that the guy who invented modern office communication had invested heavily in the paper industry... Or maybe I'm just being sceptical again?

But even working in an office gets you out of the house and meeting new people. Well, not always new people. Sometimes you even get to the point that you can no longer bear certain people and of course these people are either working just in front of you or happen to be your boss.

There will be more later, but for the moment you will have to do with just this Dear Reader.

Take care, and talk soon,

1 commentaire:

Anonyme a dit…

Ouais enfin bon ... encore un étranger qui vient piquer le boulot ... je rigole ... mon beauf ....