The 1st December saw me at the Radiologist’s. The first time my doctor hadn’t seen my first x-rays as they had been kept by Casualty in Montaigu. So after two weeks during the control x-ray, the fracture had changed to a break! It explains why my foot was hurting. I had tried to push a bit in order to be able to go back to work on the Monday. As soon as the doctor saw this and felt my foot he said to stop being so bloody stupid, rest, and he stopped me until the 18th December!
That night I had my first Friday of carolling with my choir – I am the Choirmaster. It was a great night. We raised just over 100€ for charity. They’ve never seen anything like it here. It was nice being there at the beginning of something, for it is like that that I felt it. Instead of going from house to house we went from village to village and sang for three villages grouped together. We were served mulled wine in two of the villages and it was great. Virginie was my chauffeur and Killian my music stand. At the end of it though my foot was killing me. I then decided that for the next Friday I would have to give it a miss. Somebody else directed it, and they raised 112€. I’ll see how I feel next Friday.
You will be kept up to date Dear Reader.
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