dimanche, novembre 19, 2006

Accident du Travail!

Good Evening Dear Reader,
Can you remember me talking about my rather poohy Monday at work? Well Tuesday started out much better. I had taken resolve and a cup of tea for breakfast, and was ready for the assault. Well, ready for work anyway... I was becoming self sufficient, and actually knowing what I was doing, and how to do it. Things were falling into place. However other things fell too.

Yes, other things fell, and fell onto my foot! Now, let's put things into context here. It'll save alot of explaining later. I put farm machinery together - see previous post. The machines: you put in a bail of hay at one end, and out the hay comes the other end but no longer in a bail and ready for the animals to eat, or lay on. This used to be done by one bloke with a pitch fork. Apparently all farms have them which is good news for us, because it keeps us in work. Anyway! I was putting the part that attaches it to the tractor. I wanted to check that I had put everything correctly, so I went to check on the work mate's efforts. I actioned the lever and saw the bar fall. I thought oh bugger! Then I shouted in pain and said a naughty word. Thankfully there were no ladies present.

The guy who was next to me said, are you alright, and of course yes I was, it just hurt a bit (like it hurt when a 20kg metal bar falls on your foot), and that I'll be fine. he said he'd just go off and get me some ointment for my foot. I saw him go and thought I light as well go and catch him up so off I limped feeling quite stupid. We caught up with the official first aider who lead me the way to the Infirmary. It's here that it starts getting fun.

My head started turning and I thought I would sit down. I sat down and everything was fine. No more pain. Except what had really happened was that I had fallen and fainted and the guy was shouting at me in French saying I was slurring my words which if course ridiculous, I was just talking in English, and yes I understood him, and yes I was fine, and OK I'd go into the infirmary and sit down, and yes I knew exactly what had happened! I had just sat down because I was feeling a bit woozy. And are you sure I fainted, and yes I had fainted. As if from nowhere five first aiders appeared and were bent on pushing me into that chair. And oh Dear there I go again. I must have gone out about four times. No I wasn't diabetic, and yes I was talking correctly and yes of course I understood them, and ad I really fainted and yes my foot hurt, and yes, it was just my foot hurting. They lay me down on a stretcher from 1930, and that hadn't been used since 1932.

I thought the thing would never support my weight and that it was only me and they didn't have to put paper on it first, and that maybe the little guy ought to let someone else help me down. Yes Dear Reader, I am a big lad. They even called the fire brigade the French Paramedics, and by the time they arrived I was feeling great. OK, my foot still hurt, but my head was firmly on my shoulders and had stopped turning.

The firemen tool me to casualty, and I was put in the Traumatology room. I was checked to see if I was still breathing and that my heart was still beating, and to see what my blood pressure was like. Everything was normal. I had time to say a couple of Rosaries, and I'm sure that thanks to that Our Lady took some of the pain away. I felt really at peace. It was wonderful. I was X-rayed to see if my foot was broken. It was fractured, but nothing serious and it wasn't worth plastering my leg.

The company sent me a guy to pick me up. We drove back to work via the house - I wanted to pick up Virginie so she could drive. Got back to the factory and reassured them that I was not dead but that I would be off work for eight days. The rest of the afternoon was spent getting all the various bits of admin sorted out, and most importantly PAINKILLERS!!!!!

When they say that these painkillers may be addictive, they are so right! It was great! NO pain - no gain? Nah, no pain - no pain! I also had to get used to crutches, but soon found my sofa which was to become my bed. Virginie was concerned about kicking me in bed during the night. So for the next three days I was not as high as a kite, but definitely off ground level. Yipeeeeeeeeeeeeeee...

Sad isn't it. Ah well, after four days of lying around and being completely useless, and swearing whilst navigating the stairs on my bum, I have been out. I am now able to limp with just one crutch and was able to drive. In the terms of my Arrêt du travail I am allowed to go out between 15h and 18h. It was great to be out again.

To conclude, the actual pain wasn't the worst of the suffering. It was being completely useless and not being able to do anything. At least today I could do a bit of tidying, and even cooked. The beast is not back, but it won't be long.

Goodnight Dear Reader,


3 commentaires:

Anonyme a dit…

Dear Ian, what painfully hours have You had. I´ll hope so much, You´ll have better days as soon as it´s possible.
Best regards

ianandkillian a dit…

Thanks Walter,
But you know, it's just a matter of waiting. Time is all it needs! And I just offer it up for the souls in Purgatory.

Anonyme a dit…

pouah j'ai rien compris... enfin si come tu me l'as dit mais sinon là j'ai pas comrpis grand chose^^